"The Crafty Bernese Mt Dog Knits"
Cheshire, CT
Subtitled Knitting Projects for Dog Lovers, The Crafty Bernese Mt. Dog Knits is the fourth in author/designer Peggy Gaffney s Crafty Dog Knits series published by Kanine Knits. It tells about the Bernese Mountain Dogs and the activities they love. Peggy Gaffney then takes these activities and converts them into graphic charts that can be worked by knitters, cross-stitchers, beaders, or needlepointers. There are 25 charts within each book. Finally she has designed classic patterns for sweaters, hats, mittens, scarves, afghans, etc. into which these designs can be knit.
The designs include the Bernese Mountain Dog: Standing, Puppy in the Basket, Puppy Sitting, On the Mountain, Gaiting, Obedience, Sitting, Puppy in the Window, Agility, Carting, Head Studies, Jumping the Wall, Lying Down, On his couch, In a Christmas Wreath and more.
When writing about the Bernese Mountain Dog, she covers many topics such as: History of the Bernese Mt. Dog, Farm Dog to Show Dog, The Berner as Family Dog, Berner as Herder, Berner Goes Carting, Obedience and the Bernese Mt. Dog, Agility and the Bernese Mt. Dog, Tracking with a Bernese Mt. Dog, As Service Dogs, and much more.
With more than ten different styles of sweaters for adults in both men s and women s sizes from x-small to 2x, there is probably something that will appeal to you and there are five different styles of sweaters for children sized from infant up to children s size 12. All measurements are given in both inches and centimeters.
Gaffney has taken yarn and painted beautiful portraits of the Bernese Mt. dog in action that will warm the hearts of Berner lovers. She also goes into ways in which the hair of these dogs may be incorporated into the designs.
Author/Knitter Debbie Macomber says of these books,"Peggy Gaffney has introduced a new idea into the knitting realm...you re in for a real treat. "

"For the Love of the Horse"
Kent, CT
This book is all about the beautiful and timeless bond between horses and humans. The true stories illustrate the many facets of the horse:human connection. The horse is seen as a teacher, as a therapist, as a friend and a family member. He is a partner in athletic pursuit, a friend who is there when no one else seems to care.
The book is not only for dyed in the wool horse lovers. It also serves as a bridge for those who love someone who loves horses, to help foster a better understanding of what that passion is all about. And for those who are just plain, animal lovers, it helps bring greater awareness of why horses are such special souls.
In addition I hope to accomplish a softening of the lines that so often divide various disciplines and breeds. Often we get stuck in our ruts--dressage is the only way to ride, or barrel racers are the only ones who have fun. I hope to cross those barriers, to help all horse people recognize that a good horse is a good horse no matter what its lineage or what its job is, and that we are all united by our love for this magnificent animal.
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