Meet Some Non-Fiction Authors Who Will
Be At the Big E in September.
Dan Uitti "Keep Your Computer Alive"
Oakville, CT
Keep Your Computer Alive illustrates the need and tips for proper computer maintenance. The book is great for first timers, as well as people that have had computers for years, but are just now catching up with the latest problems like Spam, Viruses, SpyWare. The book illustrates the need for proper backups, surge protection. There are many tips, as well as a dictionary and set of thought provoking suggestions on why maintenance is important. Illustrated by Ted HudsonTrue Crime
Shirley Bostrom "Funny - He Doesn't Look Like A Burderer (But Margie is Dead)

Marlborough, CT
It is estimated that three women are murdered by their husbands or boyfriends in the U.S. each day. If you believe this doesn't happen in middle-class, educated families you need to read this book.Shirley Pierce Bostrom shares her family's head-on collision with the tragic results of domestic violence with eloquence and stunning honesty. It was in 1996 that her daughter, Dr. Margaret E. Bostrom was stabbed to death by her husband.The book deals with Margie's tragic death, but also the family's dealings with the criminal justice system, their struggle to regain a normal life, and their growth into powerful advocates against domestic violence. With an introduction by David Kaczynski, brother to the Uni-bomber, Ted Kaczynski.

Ursula McCafferty
"Home is the Sailor, Home from the Sea"
Canaan, CT
Sail around the world on a sailing ship in 1898, spend WWI in a Prisoner Of War camp in
Dan Uitti, "A Brief History of Lionism in Connecticut"

Oakville, CT
A Brief History of Lionism in Connecticut takes look at the Lions Clubs in this New England state and their service to the community. This collection of stories includes work within each community, as well as a number of examples of service worldwide. This includes eyeglass collections, eye research, low vision clinics, disaster relief following the Katrina Hurricane, an Ophthalmology Mission outside of the USA and the Opening Eyes program. 164 clubs in this state of 159 cities and towns submitted their story for this book.
The original edition of the A Brief History of Lionism in Connecticut was published nearly 25 years ago. This current collection of Lions information and colorful descriptions of Lions activities within the Multiple District far exceeds the scope of the 1983 edition. Not only is there a multitude of Lions facts and figures requested by so many of our members, the font used in this edition is larger and therefore easier to read.
This publication also includes a numerous personal observations bringing to life the importance of Lionism within Connecticut and throughout the world. Facts and figures are of abundance as the book includes information useful not only to the leadership but to all Lions Club members.
Robert & Fred Kerson "Sacred Stones Sacred Stories"
New Haven, CT
Design of the Urim and Thummim - found ! Ancient survey solves temple location on Temple Mount. Mesada surveyed by ancient Jewish system. The Rock on Temple Mount was shaped by using string. Hezekiah's Tunnel surveying explains mystery of construction. Ancient breastplate can explain a number of bible stories. Sacred words in four alphabets draw out sacred pictures. Kabbah holds proof of Temple's Location. Dome of Rock centered over Table in Holy Place. A single thread runs through three world religions. Psalms were edited by discovered pattern. King Herod's designated burial site shown by survey. Temple originally measured from Golgotha Rock

Consumer Protection
Cynthia Bercowetz "Don't Get Ripped Off!"
Bloomfield, CT
Cynthia Bercowetz's book, Don't Get ripped Off! Get Help! Tell it to George, reveals how to avoid identity theft, scams, con artists, bogus contests, and paying outrageous prices for anything!

Monroe, CT
A technique exists that allows a new teacher to handle a classroom like an experienced teacher would, and manage discipline successfully. Inexperience—not the teacher, is the cause for unnecessary discipline challenges in the classroom. Advice from colleagues, though well intentioned, can't substitute for experience, and that is why it doesn't work for the new teacher. Novice teachers must find out for themselves what works and that takes time. This technique empowers teachers to gain skills uniquely suited for them, instead of spending years using trial and error methods to get results. By practicing and applying simple exercises, teachers can transform their careers into satisfying experiences and end discipline challenges in the classroom, now.
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